Client Story: Digiturk – DigiTO

CBOT & Digiturk co-created DigiTO

Digiturk’s Virtual Assistant DigiTO, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, answers customer queries instantly. 

By using DigiTO, the customers can reach the information that they need about their Digiturk accounts, perform basic transactions and they are directed to the right process step by step. For instance, it is possible to search/buy a single sports match, a single movie, or a package, update / cancel their existing package, record a program remotely, update their customer info or user authorization info. 

DigiTO, helps the users on the website of DigiTurk, the online transactions section. 

CBOT Platform enables Digiturk to provide an enhanced digital experience in the most direct, natural, and seamless way.

The story will include:

  • • Why a conversational experience?
  • • Why CBOT?
  • • What are the capabilities of DigiTO? Through which channels does it help customers?
  • • What are the success highlights?

Brisa Client Story