CBOT Gartner tarafından Dünyanın önde gelen chatbot ve sanal asistan şirketleri arasında gösterildi

Gartner featured CBOT among the leading chatbot and virtual assistant companies globally

CBOT has been one of the 16 leading global chatbot and virtual assistant companies in Gartner’s report “Emer
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Covid-19 ve dijitalleşme

Covid-19, Acceleration of Digitalization and Chatbots

The digitalization wave that has already started has been accelerated with the Covid-19 outbreak. Companies have beg
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CBOT Masterpass Enregrasypnu

We enable the payment transaction to be completed easily in a chatbot experience with our Masterpass Integration

  As CBOT, we integrated our chatbots to Mastercard’s one-click secure payment product Masterpass to supp
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