Client Story: Atatürk University ATA-AÖF Support


“ATA-AÖF Support”, the virtual assistant of Atatürk University Open Education Faculty, built on CBOT Platform and CBOT’s NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, enables students to reach the information through its web page, Facebook Messenger and the mobile app AtaMeta.

Atatürk University Open Education Faculty students receive instant answers to their questions on subjects such as courses, exams, academic calendar, fees and many other topics by chatting with “ATA-AÖF Support”.

The AI-based virtual assistant ensures that student questions in a large scale are answered efficiently through automation.

The story will include:

  • • The story behind? Why CBOT?
  • • What are the capabilities of ATA-AÖF Support? Where is it available?
  • • Why is it inspiring?

EBA Asistan Success Story